How to send the audio from VoiceOver to a voice call like Google Meet, Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

Before you start, you'll need:

  • Headphones — to stop speaker audio coming through your microphone.
  • macOS


Flow for VoiceOver to a VoiceCallVoiceOverMulti-Output DeviceHeadphonesBlackholeEarsVoiceMicrophoneAggregate DeviceVoice Call


  1. Install Blackhole
  2. Create a Multi-Output Device for your Headphones and Blackhole to receive audio
  3. Create an Aggregate Device to mix together your Microphone and Blackhole
  4. Configure VoiceOver to use Multi-Output Device
  5. Configure Voice Call to use Aggregate Device

1. Install Blackhole

Flow for BlackholeAudio-inBlackholeAudio-out

Blackhole is a virtual audio device.
Audio sent to Blackhole can then be used as an input in other applications.
It is similar to LoopBack but is free and open-source.

If you have brew installed:

brew install blackhole-2ch

or follow the Blackhole installation guide.

2. Create a Multi-Output Device for your Headphones and Blackhole to receive audio

Flow for Mutli-Output DeviceMulti-Output DeviceBlackholeHeadphones

Send audio from VoiceOver to both Blackhole and your Headphones — so we can hear it ourselves.

Make sure your headphones are plugged in.

  1. Open the Midi Audio Device window by opening Spotlight with command ⌘ + space and typing Midi Audio Device.
  2. Create a new Multi-Output Device device by pressing the plus (+) icon.
  3. Select Blackhole and Headphones, making sure Blackhole is first.

Do not set 'Use This Device For Sound Output', we will setup VoiceOver to use this device.

Find a full walkthrough of creating a Multi-Output Device on the Blackhole wiki.

Midi Audio Device showing Multi-Output Device with Blackhole and Headphones selected

3. Create an Aggregate Device to mix together your Microphone and Blackhole

Flow for Aggregate Device DeviceMicrophoneBlackholeAggregate Device
  1. Create a new Aggregate Device device.
  2. Select Blackhole and Microphone, make sure Microphone is first.
  3. Right-click and set the Aggregate Device as your default input.

Find a full walkthrough of creating a Aggregate Device on the Blackhole wiki.

Midi Audio Device showing Aggregate Device with Blackhole and Microphone selected

4. Configure VoiceOver to use Multi-Output Device

Flow for VoiceOverVoiceOverMulti-Output Device
  1. Open the VoiceOver Utility window by opening Spotlight with command ⌘ + space and typing VoiceOver Utility.
  2. Go to the Sound tab and set the Output Device option to Multi-Output Device.

VoiceOver Utility showing Sound tab showing Output Device set to Multi-Output Device

5. Configure Voice Call to use Aggregate Device

Flow for VoiceCallAggregate DeviceVoice Call
  1. Open your Voice Call settings and set your input to Aggregate Device.
  2. Ensure any Noise Cancellation is turned off.

Google Meet Settings showing Audio tab showing Microphone dropdown set to Aggregate Device, Noise Cancellation turned off